January 14, 2023: Annual IJMC (zoom-) Meeting update

On January 14 2023, 16 countries took part in the Annual General Meeting, 42 representatives present in the online ZOOM AGM.Following countries were represented:
Austria, Belgium, China Mainland, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong China, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Pakistan, Russia, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland.

Highlights of the meeting:

Chairman Address
Chairman Frank Dohrman welcomes all reps, and recaps a challenging year 2022. A world recovering from Covid, and a war by Russia that keeps the world in it's grip. Both factors influence all, including our hobby.
The IJMC is not dead, eventhough some rumors not much is happening. Frank wants to continue the course set by previous chairmen, Vinnie, Mark, and Reto.
Some tough decisions are on the agenda, but they will have to be taken, as the world, pilots and sponsors, look also atthe IJMC.

Approval of minutes
The minutes of AGM2022 had been distributed and are accepted.

Year overview
The board had regular online meetings after the AGM.
The first half year, a pressrelease was communicated, a new logo was implemented and the rulebook was updated.During the summer, preperation started for the Jets&Props fair. The second part of the year, 2 static documentation master documents have been published, as well as a secon press release.
Highlight was the presentation of IJMC at Jets&Props, a very professional booth and many contacts with pilots and companies.Marco Inga resigned as chiefjudge, so Frank will act as Interim.
Next, a demo class will be tried, with Turboprop models.
To prepare the judges, a judges seminar will be organized in March. Also a draft constituion is ready to be presented.
Treasurer report
Peter gave some insight on the financial situation. It seems increasingly difficult to get contribution from the nations. Due to savings we are still financially healthy, but the planned judges seminar will reduce the buffer. As a moneysaver, the board did the November boardmeeting online.
Reminder for the nations, please contribute. Peter is sending many emails, but very little answers.

French Organizers report
Denis informed the AGM on the news of a week before, the canceleation of the JWM in France. Reason being the cancelation by some important partner/sponsors and the risks due to rising costs.
Denis thanks everybody involved in preperation.Franks thanks the french organistation team for their effrots the past 2 years.

Rescue plan JWM Italy
When the news came of the cancelation of France, several people came to action. Frank, Mauro and Reto explored options to have a simple JWM in Italy.
At the moment, it looks promissing. The location is planned at Voghera airport, same dates in August.
The AGM voted in favor for this venue

New Country rep applications.
- Antthi Aho-Mantilla from Finland
- Marc Kunde from Germany

New Judges applications.
- Mauro Pirotti from Italy
- Lothar Heinrich from Germany

Judges panel 2023
The judges panel 2023 was presented and voted for.

Training seminar
In March a Judges Serminar will be organized at Neuburg/Donau airport

Participation of Russian and Belrus national teams
During the AGM it was by majority (10, 3, 2)decided to follow possition of other worldleading sports organisations and not accept participation of Russion and Belarus national teams.This report is a short draft, the minutes of the meeting will be avaible soon.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 13 2024. Details will be communicated.